Respect is positive social attention.


Respect is fundamental for successful human interaction. All of our work proceeds more effectively and successfully when we work with respect. Offering Respect requires a conscious decision and deliberate action. It is expressed both overtly and tacitly. It is not words, but behaviors that show true respect. Showing respect is the only way to ever make respect mutual.

Trust as an expression of respect

Trusting sends a message of openness that counters messages of fear.

How do you engage with strangers when you are not afraid of them? Agencies can invite people into their office. Interveners can shop in local markets and strike up conversations. Agencies can hire local people to do important and complex jobs; they can unstring the barbed wire (where appropriate). The context shapes the way trust is expressed. Local ways can be learned and incorporated.

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Listening and respect
Disrespect through Suspicion
Organizations and Respect
Using Respect