A Legitimization Effect occurs where an organization is perceived to be using its resources to support a political or governing authority.

Resources represent power. Governing authorities and contesting groups will always attempt to make use of whatever resources are available. In some cases, they will attempt to appropriate them completely. In others, they will see them as supplementing their own budgets or efforts. In still others, the authority will take credit for intervention resources to shore up their power.

Authorities attempt to use new resources introduced into their areas by interveners to support their authority and increase their power. In other words, whatever resources are being brought into an area will be seen by authorities as legitimate for them to use. This is not a matter of ethics or humanitarian law. It is a fact of power.

Governing authorities that attempt to co-opt resources are not necessarily immoral or bad. Pay attention to the context and how the governing authority is trying to influence the way resources are used.

Resources can also be provided in ways that limit their co-optation and/or that support Connectors through the Legitimization Effect. Where there are individuals or formal or informal institutions that represent the collective interests of different groups, resources can flow to them and thereby reinforce and strengthen an existing Connector.

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