The RAFT (Respect, Accountability, Fairness, and Transparency) applies not just to individual behavior. It applies to organizational behavior as well. Policies blindly followed, rules that appear capricious or mean, or the simple lack of time and attention afforded to people can all wreck the RAFT for organizations.


Publicity is the organization’s presentation of itself and its work to the world.

Using publicity pictures or stories that emphasize victimization can reinforce the demonization of one side in a conflict. This can reinforce the dividing mindset rather than helping the public, or an agency’s own staff, find an even-handed way to respond to those on all sides. As well, reinforcing the sense that there are “good” and “bad” sides in conflict can support the motivations of people to excuse their own (or their “own side’s”) behavior and to push for “victory” at whatever cost rather than peace.

Using pictures or stories that emphasize hopelessness can reinforce people’s sense of powerlessness. It sends the message that nothing changes, unless outsiders provide resources, organization, tools, and attention.

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