Actions and Behaviors have Consequences. Consequences are impacts.

Actions are what we do and Behaviors are how we do what we do.

What we do includes what we bring (resources), who we hire, where we live, where we work, for how long, with whom and so on. These are factors identified through the program analysis of Critical Detail Mapping.

Behaviors are how we do all of the things we do. How do we bring in goods or services, how do we hire and work with our local partners and staff, how do we live in whatever community we choose and how do we choose to live there, how do we work on a daily basis, and so on. Most important of all is how we treat people.

Any intervention involves both Actions and Behaviors.

The results of Actions and Behaviors are impacts. Impacts on social dynamics are more important than mere physical impacts. We understand social dynamics through attention to changes in the context using Dividers and Connectors Analysis. We understand impacts through tracking the patterns of Action and Behavior. There are two ways that interventions have an impact.

Interventions have an impact through Resource Transfers and interventions have an impact through the Messages sent by behavior.

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Related Topics
Resource Transfers
Messages through the RAFT
Lesson 4: Actions and Behaviors have Consequences